The CEOs of many large companies have a golden parachute Do You?

| Monday, December 7, 2009

The CEOs of many large companies have a golden parachute Do You?

Many companies give their top CEOs and other executives golden parachutes. These packages are the benefits that long-term security to ensure that the leaders if they lose their jobs do to company buyouts. I do not think you should make a golden parachute to safety in the long term?

How many months you can pay your bills if you lose your job. Many experts agree, should be 3 to 6 months worth of savings. But what happens if you are out of work for 12Months or more, what would you do. Why should not you be a golden parachute, while you work and ensure the long-term financial security.

A golden parachute is a fallback plan something you can do to replace most if not all the income in the event of loss of jobs. A golden parachute for the rest of us is a good house party Time Based Business that will earn up to $ 500 to $ 2000 per month part-time. But can easily grow to full-time business with a full-time income in the casethe loss of jobs.

There are many large companies in part-time out there, and choosing the right can be a huge task. In a previous article I discussed Key Elements 6, which should have any part-time home Based Business. They are:

1 – stand alone Good business

2 – sound

3 – Good products

4 – Large market low

5 – Tools

6 – Management Team

The front Alone 6 Good business and good products are updated, which should focus on.Look for a company that you could earn up to $ 500, or do as for sale, and makes it relatively easy for an average of 1 to 3 weeks for sales with minimal effort (10 hours or so) per week. The only products I know that the average person in this type of financial services income, particularly mortgages and sales of life insurance.

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