7 Miscellaneous Anyone can become a Real Estate Investor

| Saturday, December 12, 2009

As a real estate investor is not really difficult, sometimes it does not take money from. Other times you do not need your money down. Here are 7 ways to earn money and buy goods.

1 - Buy and Flip

This is a method where you buy homes below market price and sell quickly and make some easy money

2 - Buy Fix and Flip

This is similar to Method 1, except that typically have the property a little 'longer, soUPS could solve some, this method is designed to provide a higher return then Method 1

3 - Buy and Hold

You purchase the property and find a tenant. If you intend to buy 2 houses per year for 10 years you can earn 20 properties all have a positive cash flow when you retire. Even a modest positive cash flow of $ 500 per month for each property in today's dollars would amount to $ 10,000 per month in retirement income

4 - Wrap Mortgages

This method works well withPeople who have a difficult time, a mortgage because of income or credit or both. Sell them the land on a contract. Maintain the existing mortgage and stay on the title.
Wrap the old mortgage with a new mortgage. Suppose you have a mortgage of 30 years at 6% for a $ 100,000, with a monthly payment of $ 599.55. It gives them a loan of 30 years at 8% to $ 125,000 Wrap with a monthly payment of $ 880.52. If the rules if they would refinance in 3 - 5 years
andMortgage to pay and is the sole owner.

5 - Lease Option

Lease with option is similar to mortgage leads, but they are renting the property for a fee above the market. You have the right to buy at a fixed price for the future. How, for example, you can rent out their properties in Example 4 for $ 900 a month. You can buy the property in 3 years to 5% below the estimate (by an expert agreed upon). They also agree to keep the housegood condition. If they want to make all payments on time for rent $ 100 a month on the sales price.

6 - Equity Share

Actions and includes an investor and home. Investors made the deposit and the house is living at home and make monthly installments. The investor is 50% of the house and the owner of the house is 50% of their home. After 3 to 5 years, has to sell the house and pay the mortgageReturn of deposit for the investor and then share what is left of a house or refinance the house and buyout investors. (Sometimes the investor confidence with a record of 2 little or no interest to save the house, there is interest in the certificate)

7 - Buy Low High refinancing

Another popular method is to buy low, high refinancing. You purchase a property for $ 70,000, $ 5,000 down, you leave a $ 65,000 loan. You $ 10,000 worth of improvements to property andthen refinance for $ 110,000. The difference between the new loan of 110,000 $ and the old loan to $ 65,000 $ 45,000 in cash would be in his pocket. Your net cash was $ 30,000 $ 15,000 because it has already put cash in the property. Now you can use Method 3 to find tenants and maintain the property long term. You can also use 4.5 or 6 methods have a positive cash flow now and lock in a profit of 3 to 5 years.

The above are just some of the 100 methods real successEstate Investors use to make money. The most important component in any of the above methods is to find the right mortgage. A loan to buy and hold method can be very different, then the loan for the purchase and flip method. The wrong loan could be the difference between a good profit and a profit or even a modest loss. (You would not want a loan with a prepayment penalty includes large and flip method) make sure to work with a professional who can take credit for a loan to set theNeeds

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